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Triobo Easy Reading
Increased readership of the company magazine
You've already paid to produce your company magazine or other publications, so make the most of them. You have a valuable archive, and it's a proven fact that readers like to return to older editions.
Publish digitally in your library and bring readers an easy-to-read, searchable archive. In addition, you'll get engaging content for linking from social media or your newsletter. Everything runs on your address, which also works on mobile or as an application.
2 minuty
a je hotovo
Díky Triobo budou čtenáři komfortně číst na mobilech i v případě, že potřebujete šetřit náklady a použijete jako zdroj pro digitální magazín již hotové tiskové PDF. Jednoduše do systému tiskové PDF nahrajete, vyberete si stránky, které jsou pro vás důležité a těm snadno nastavíte funkci "pohodlné čtení".
Na pár kliknutí získáte plně responzivní časopis (=text se přizpůsobuje velikosti displeje), který se skvěle čte na jakémkoli zařízení a přitom využijete design a provedení tištěného časopisu. Pro představu, upravit jednu stránku magazínu trvá průměrně dvě minuty. Pro režim Pohodlného čtení nebudete upravovat titulní stránku, inzerci, tiráž atp. a soustředíte se na redakční obsah. Pak můžete mít třeba za 45 minut celý časopis hotový.
Comfortable reading PDF magazines on mobile devices without zooming,
while maintaining the aesthetics of a printed magazine
Proč Triobo?
We understand from our own publishing experience. And we live on the internet.
We are specialists in digital publishing.
A library with your corporate identity at your web address.
A treat for the eyes - the texts are beautiful on any display thanks to vector and responsive display.
Easy to use print documents (PDF) or original digital multimedia design.
Operate on a monthly rental basis regardless of the number of titles, readers, etc.
Proven solutions: Škoda Auto, Metrostav, Dr. Max pharmacies, Penta Investment, České Radiokomunikace, Skylink, Slovenská sporitelňa...
We are constantly developing Triobo according to client requirements.
Why publish digital business magazines?
The Easy Reading feature can be used by any publisher with a Triobo Start plan or higher.
Pavel Knapp, Triobo Ltd.
phone: +420 731 363 002
Comfortable reading PDF magazines on mobile devices without zooming,
while maintaining the aesthetics of a printed magazine
2 minutes
and you're done
Thanks to Triobo, readers will comfortably read on their mobiles even if you need to save costs and use an already finished print PDF as a source for your digital magazine. You upload the print PDF to the system, select the essential pages, and quickly set the "easy reading" function for those.
In a few clicks, you get a fully responsive magazine (=text adapts to display size) that reads excellent on any device while taking advantage of the design and layout of the printed magazine. To give you an idea, it takes an average of two minutes to edit one magazine page. For the Easy Reading mode, you won't be editing the cover page, advertisements, etc., and focus on the editorial content. Then you can have the whole magazine ready in 45 minutes, typically.
The second option: do you have a classic website that takes (selected) articles from a printed magazine?
If you want to use another of your existing websites for easy reading, we can also help you in that case. Set up web addresses for specific pages of the print magazine site (or parts of them), to which we will redirect readers for easy reading. In this way, you can benefit from both the print magazine archive, where the reader also enjoys the visuals, and the existing classic website, where you redirect the reader to comfortable reading on mobile.
WHAT WAS IT EVER: a regular PDF? Unpleasant
The picture shows how readers see a page of your print magazine on their mobile phones. Without two-finger zooming, they have no chance to read anything.
TRIOBO will make the reader happy
If you use Triobo for PDF publishing and the so-called Easy Reading feature, you bring a significant improvement to the reader. When the reader clicks on the button, they can read easily.
For every eye
The article makes the most of the display size. The reader can adjust the font size. He does not have to enlarge anything with his fingers and scroll through the print page cutout.
WHAT WAS IT EVER: a regular PDF? Unpleasant
The picture shows how readers see a page of your print magazine on their mobile phones. Without two-finger zooming, they have no chance to read anything.
TRIOBO will make the reader happy
If you use Triobo for PDF publishing and the so-called Easy Reading feature, you bring a significant improvement to the reader. When the reader clicks on the button, they can read easily.
For every eye
The article makes the most of the display size. The reader can adjust the font size. He does not have to enlarge anything with his fingers and scroll through the print page cutout.
„Triobo allows us to get the content of the printed ŠKODA Mobil easily, quickly, and without design compromises onto the computers, mobile phones, and tablets of readers who appreciate the unprecedented convenience and attractive design. We really appreciate the exceptional flexibility and support of the Triobo team. The technical support of the solution and the willingness to improve or introduce new editor functionalities based on our requests is unprecedented in the industry.“
Pavel Matuška, Boomerang Publishing, s.r.o.
Check out the June edition of the Osmička city newsletter and try Triobo Easy Reading on your phone.
How to easily publish digital company magazines
We'll set up a well-arranged digital library for your company, with all issues of your customer or employee magazine and all catalogs in one place.
Everything runs at your company address, with your logo and colors. Readers don't need to install anything or download a PDF to read; they click on the page of their choice and read immediately.
Publications are indexable by search engines, specific pages can be instantly shared on social media or used in email newsletters, and most importantly, library-wide search works.
You can effortlessly import content from existing PDFs or use our visual editor to create multimedia and fully responsive publications. In addition, you can quickly correct typos or make updates at any time.
The Škoda Mobil employee magazine is a reference example.
„We've chosen Triobo's solution for digital publishing of printed periodicals. I very much appreciate the helpful and patient approach of the team, who not only took their time to modify the product to suit all our needs but also took care of a smooth transition from the original solution.“
Tomáš Novotný, ŠKODA AUTO a.s.
We are available by phone, email or video call. So get in touch to discuss the possibilities of cooperation. We look forward to it.
Pavel Knapp, Triobo Ltd.
phone: +420 731 363 002
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Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Digital city magazine, digital city newspaper
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Triobo Easy Reading
Pohodlné čtení Triobo
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Firemní a klientské magazíny, katalogy
PDF zpravodaje
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