Triobo microsites
Digital city magazine, digital city newspaper
Digital city magazine solution
Benefits | Examples | Price | About us | Contact
Representative and searchable
city magazineThe complete newspaper archive always at your fingertips, with instant reading and great display even on mobile devices.
No more PDF downloads!
Find out more
or call
+420 731 363 002
Benefits for you and your readers
Search the entire archive
The ultimate advantage of our solution - want to find something? We search the entire archive!
The complete archive
An organised library of your magazine in one place, at your address.
Design in the colours of the city
Not just colours, but also a logo and highlighted important articles. Presentable and clear design.
Readership will increase, advertising will be more attractive
Thanks to archive, search and instant reading without the need to download PDFs, your overall readership will increase. Statistics are always at your disposal. You can reflect the increase in readership in the price of your advertising.
Instant reading
Forget about downloading PDFs, there's no need for any of that with us. You click on the page (calmly in the middle of the magazine) and read straight away.
For the old-fashioned, you can keep the PDF download as an alternative.
Everything works on mobile and desktop.
Convenient reading even on mobile
If you want, you can use the Convenient Reading feature and on mobile, the reader can do without having to zoom in on the page.
Easy sharing
Each page has its own address. You can easily link the interview with the city administration on social networks and in the newsletter. Try this link, it leads directly to a specific page of the city magazine.
For you without work
We will publish the magazines for you, just send us a PDF of the print version.
We improve for free
We are constantly developing Triobo digital media solution and continuously deploying new versions. For everyone and free of charge.
"A digital version of the city newsletter is an absolute must today."
- Martin Salek, Spokesman of the Prague 8 Municipality
(capital of the Czech Republic)Examples of city magazines
Prague, capital of the Czech Republic: Municipality of Prague 8, Municipality of Prague 2, web and mobile applications for Apple and Android. Library design according to your wishes. For newer editions, Easy Reading is supported (depending on the publisher, they may not always use it).
Click on the image to open the library of their city magazines.
Municipality of Brno-střed, The Central Bohemia Region: web library and mobile applications for Apple and Android. Library design according to your wishes. For newer editions, Easy Reading is supported (depending on the publisher, they may not always use it).
Click on the image to open the library of their city magazines.
You're saving the city treasury and the forests
"With an easy-to-read digital newsletter on the web, you can reduce your print run and save significant money."
- Pavel Knapp, Triobo Ltd.
We will create a sample for you free of charge and without obligation. You only pay when the city magazine is published on your web address.
Contact us and we'll be happy to show you how fantastic your digital city magazine will look.
Great digital version of your city magazine
99 EUR / month
Web library with archive for PC and mobile
Hassle-free magazine publishing (we do it)
Full digital city magazine archive
Search the entire archive
Instant reading (no PDF downloads)
Easy sharing of specific pages
Readership statistics for issues and pages
Professional design of city magazine library (standard)
Recommended (featured) articles
Comfortable mobile reading without zooming (*)
Custom header menu
Possibility of commercial distribution of the digital city magazine - sale to readers incl. subscriptions
Bonus 200 GB data transfer every month
(in case of overage +0,22 EUR per 1 GB)Example of the city magazine
399 EUR / month
All from the CITY PROFESSIONAL plan
Custom design of the city magazine library
Mobile app for Apple iOS and Android for your city brand
Offline mode (reading without internet connection)
Send messages to readers (push notifications)
Same look and feel as the web library
In Appstore and GPlay with city name and icon
Bonus 1 TB data transfer every month
(in case of overage +0,1 EUR per 1 GB).Example of the city magazine
(Municipality of Prague 8)
web | Apple | Android
Prices for annual payments, excluding VAT..
(*) Includes the option to use Easy Reading, not the processing edition for this premium feature. Easily handled by a council employee or arranged by us.
„We chose the solution from Triobo Ltd. for digital publishing of printed periodicals. I very much appreciate the helpful and patient approach of the team.“
- Tomas Novotny, SKODA AUTO a.s. (Volkswagen Group)
Magazine everywhere
You can also show the digital magazine in a window on any other website. You can choose to display a specific edition of the newsletter or always the latest edition. Here's how it can look:
Do you have a question or would you like to arrange a free sample of your city magazine?
Email us at pavel.knapp@triobo.com or call +420 731 363 002. Pavel Knapp will be with you.
Contact us
How to start? Easy - write, you take no risks.
Contact us. We'll discuss the details and we will arrange everything you need.
Until the magazine library is published, you pay nothing. We'll set up a non-public demonstration with your newspaper free of charge by appointment.
And what do you need to prepare?
The city logo.
PDF of each magazine issue.
Select a web address for the magazine library. It can either be any domain of your choice (we recommend it) or - if you don't have a suitable domain - we will be happy to launch the magazine at our newshangar.com address (free of charge).
Call us, we will be happy to help you with everything. You can reach us by phone at +420 731 363 002 or by email at pavel.knapp@triobo.com.
„I really enjoy co-operating with Triobo Ltd., provider of digital media solution.“
- Tomas Polak, Head of IT, FC Publishing
Questions & Answers
Why do you need a digital version of the city magazine powered by Triobo?
Triobo brings major benefits to the city and its citizens. The advantage of the city newspaper from Triobo is clarity, simplicity and convenience for the reader. Citizens can read instantly and do not need to download any PDF files. They can access the complete magazine archive with easy text search. All this is taken care of, just send us regular PDFs to process.
Triobo digital media solution will also contribute to the city's savings, you can reduce your print run. Because the magazine is readable in a regular web browser and nothing needs to be installed, just about anyone can read it. As a result, you can take a step towards environmental sustainability and reduce your paper consumption. At the same time, the overall readership of the newspaper will increase - also thanks to the archive.
Are you saying to yourself, "we already have a digital version - people can download the PDF"?
Our solution is much more convenient for readers. On the one hand, the library looks better (the reader can see the covers and all the pages) and there is no need to download anything to read it. And most importantly: you and the readers can also search all the library(!)
Is it possible to read the printed version of the newsletter on a mobile phone more conveniently?
In short: yes. if you care about the maximum comfort of readers on mobile, use the so-called Easy Reading. This brings readers a significant improvement in viewing digital versions of the print newspaper on small displays. Users can read comfortably and easily on mobile devices without having to zoom, as the text automatically adjusts to the size of the display. The feature also allows the font size to be adjusted according to the reader's needs.In doing so, the aesthetics of the printed magazine are maintained.
Note: Setting up Easy Reading for a particular issue is partly manual work, allow approximately 30 minutes to one hour depending on the size of the newspaper.
Worried that the digital version of the citi magazine is too laborious to prepare?
You don't have to worry about that at all. We'll do practically everything for you for free. The only thing to arrange is to set up the Easy Reading feature if necessary, see previous point. Give us a call (+420 731 363 002) and we'll discuss it.
„...they allow us to get the content of the print magazine quickly and easily to the computers, mobile phones and tablets of readers who appreciate the convenience and attractive design. We really appreciate the exceptional flexibility and support of the Triobo team."
- Pavel Matuška, Boomerang Communication
Who we are
We combine a passion for digital publishing with technological maturity. Since 2013, we have been developing our own software solution Triobo for the creation and distribution of digital publications, both multimedia and PDF-based.
A major advantage for our customers is our team: we have a personal wealth of experience in the publishing industry and at the same time a deep knowledge of IT and the Internet. As a result, we provide a service that is always one step ahead and in line with current trends.
Whether you're from a big city or a small town, whether you're a tech guru or just a beginner, our services are designed to be understandable and accessible to everyone. Most importantly, our cutting-edge technology is always backed by personal attention and responsive communication. We are available to meet in person, by phone or via video conference. You always have direct contact with a specific person.
We look forward to working with you!
Triobo Ltd. - our mail website
We also work for:
Škoda Auto
(Volkswagen Group)Metrostav
Extra Publishing
Slovenská spořitelna
Penta Investments
and others.
That's why we know we can handle your city too. Start benefiting from the advantages of our services too!
Contact us
Contact us
Pavel Knapp
phone: (+420) 731 363 002
email: pavel.knapp@triobo.com
207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
Company number: 08995015
VAT: 283 4280 94
The digital version of the printed city magazine always at hand. Complete archive with search, instant reading and great display even on mobile phones. No more PDF downloads.
Call (+420) 731 363 002 or email pavel.knapp@triobo.com.
©2023 TRIOBO LTD., 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH, United Kingdom | phone: +420 731 363 002 | info@triobo.com
Company number: 08995015, VAT: 283 4280 94
This website was proudly created using the Triobo visual editor.
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Triobo Ltd.
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
CN: 08995015
VAT: GB 283 4280 94https://www.triobo.com
(+44) 20 3695 0892
Digital city magazine, digital city newspaper
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